Here are some specific duas that can be recited for the people of Palestine, along with their transliterations and translations:
Dua for Protection from Oppression
ูู ุฅููููู ุฃูุนููุฐู ุจููู ู
ููู ุธูููู
ู ุงููู
ูููููุ ููู
ููู ุดูุฑูู ุงูููููููุงุฑู
Transliteration: Allahumma inni aโudhu bika min dhulmil-mulk, wa min sharri al-qahhar.
Translation: โO Allah, I seek refuge in You from the injustice of rulers and from the evil of the One who exercises power.โ
Dua for Patience and Victory
ุฑูุจููููุข ุฃูููุฑูุบู ุนูููููููู
ุตูุจูุฑุงู ููุซูุจููุชู ุฃูููุฏูุงู
ุนูููู ูฑููููููู
ู ูฑููููููฐููุฑูููู
Transliteration: Rabbana afrigh โalayhim แนฃabran wa thabbit aqdฤmahum wa-nแนฃurhum โalฤ al-qawmi al-kฤfirฤซn.
Translation: โOur Lord Shower them with perseverance, make their steps firm, and give them victory over the disbelieving people.โ
Dua for the Success of the Palestinians
ุฑูุจููููุข ุกูุงุชูููู
ููู ูฑูุฏููููููุง ุญูุณูููุฉู ููููู ูฑูุฃุฎูุฑูุฉู ุญูุณูููุฉู ููููููู
ุนูุฐูุงุจู ูฑููููุงุฑู
Transliteration: Rabbana aatihim fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan waqihim โadhaab an-nar.
Translation: โOur Lord Grant them the good of this world and the Hereafter, and protect them from the torment of the Fire.โ
Dua for Protection and Mercy
ูู ุฃูุตูููุญู ุฃูู
ููุฉู ู
ููุฏู ุงููููููู
ูู ููุฑููุฌู ุนููู ุฃูู
ููุฉู ู
ููุฏู ุงููููููู
ูู ุงุฑูุญูู
ู ุฃูู
ููุฉู ู
Transliteration: Allฤhumma aแนฃliแธฅ ummata Muแธฅammad, Allฤhumma farriวง โan ummata Muแธฅammad, Allฤhumma irแธฅam ummata Muแธฅammad.
Translation: โO Allah Improve (help) the state of the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah Grant ease to the Ummah of Muhammad. O Allah Have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad.โ
Dua from Hadith for Support and Victory
ูู ุฃูููุชู ุนูุถูุฏูู ููููุตููุฑูู ุจููู ุฃูุญูููู ููุจููู ุฃูุตูููู ููุจููู ุฃูููุงุชููู
Transliteration: Allฤhumma anta โaแธudฤซ wa naแนฃฤซrฤซ, bika aแธฅลซl, wa bika aแนฃลซl, wa bika uqฤtil.
Translation: โO Allah, You are my support, and You are my helper. With Your help, I move, and with Your help, I attack, and with Your help, I fight.โ[2][4][5]